Saturday, September 12, 2015

Hoyoung Kim/Week2 Assignment_Free writing for wirting/ Tuesday 1 p.m.


           Writing, is a one way of expressing myself and of realizing my thoughts. However, for me it is a big assignment which comes with great amount of stress. To write, I have to find the topic, and think about what to write. Also organize my thoughts and find fact for supporting. Furthermore write correctly following grammar, collocations, idiom, and so on. To me, writing is the last assignment I want to do. Actually, I have taken at least on course a semester. This effort worked so little. Every time I get writing assignment I am scared by it. Even sometimes I quite.

             Though I don't like writing like that, I know the advantages of writing. It would help me develop overall language skills and proficiency. However, I don't understand how it works. This is the position I stand on now. I really want to change that.

             This semester, without any consideration, I registered this class only to push me to write. Only to try to make at least one paper not to lose the minimum sense of writing. But this was a great chance to change my totally bad attitude toward writing. Prof. JBH told me to make free writing paper. While I am freely writing, I found something different in free writing, something a lot different from writing assignment. That was a pleasure which I forgotten over 15 years. When I was a kid I didn't hate writing. Contrarily, I enjoyed write short diary, write almost meaningless little poem. Thanks to prof. JBH I got the best chance to change my bad attitude to writing. 


  1. Hi, I'm Youjung Kim.
    I agree that writing assignment gives a lot of stress! It feels like being judged by my intelligence.. That's why I have been afraid to take writing courses, just like you. I hope you and I all get over that fear :)

  2. Hello, I'm Dohoon.
    I really feel the same way as you! I'm always afraid of writing, but to change my negative thoughts I pushed my self to this writing class, too, to overcome my fears. I hope we can both improve writing this semester!
