Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sol Lee/Wee2 assignment/Tuesday 1p.m.

Writing is expressing my own feeling, emotion and idea. This has been basic image when I think about writing, so I have enjoyed writing my daily routine. My friends who I met today, interesting conversation with valuable message, books, frustrating events and special events like traveling are all topic of my diary. If these every little story is written, feeling remains in my mind. It helps me easy to link my past experience and present information. In the end, that makes new idea, so I enjoy writing.

  I thought English isn't different from Korean; therefore, I wrote idea without any concern at first. But, people didn't catch what I want to say. I knew that's because of my weak English ability. At that time, I shouldn't have depressed, but I couldn't ignore assessment that regarded as burden. That feeling affected speaking, too. Now I accept my level and make my mind to start right here. I wish my writing and speaking abilities get better in this semester.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping a diary seems like a good way to organize one's thoughts and reflections. But it also seems to take a lot of dedication to write in it regularly. However if it builds interest in writing perhaps I will start writing in one as well.
    Yeo Eun Ki
